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Orcs Must Die Unchained CB Key Giveaway. All details previewed on Twitch. New open area content revealed. Cabal II Closed Beta Impressions. Outfoxed is among the first to test the western edition of the game. NGames Announces the Classes for Abyss Dark Arisen. Three classes for your choosing. Creativerse Recaps Latest Updates R15-16. Triple Shot of Updates Bolsters Block N Load. New hero, ranked mode and more.
I also added separate page for year 2013 and beyond. First expansion pack to one of the very best city builders of all time. Space-based RTS made by veterans from EA Tiburon who went indie to realize their dream project.
Heroes of the Storm - Enter the Nexus Open Beta Trailer. Heroes of the Storm Open Beta Begins. Special events lead up to launch. Ragachak shares his thoughts on this successor to End of Nations. Now you can purchase and play.
Heroes of the Storm - Enter the Nexus Open Beta Trailer. Heroes of the Storm Open Beta Begins. Special events lead up to launch. Ragachak shares his thoughts on this successor to End of Nations. Now you can purchase and play.
Its a firstperson large-scale warfare with vehicles, tanks and spacecrafts. It wil be free-to-play and the beta signup has begun! So sign in at Clicky here. And go get in to the beta and wage a war in the first hybrid MMO. Gamers and start to build a legacy! Donderdag 3 januari 2013.
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Star Trek Online Season 11 Coming this Fall. Rebuild after the Iconian War. Details on the Dark Zone. Games of Glory Gamescom Trailer. New Content Revealed for Blizzard Games at Gamescom 2015. HotS, Hearthstone, SC2, WoW, and Overwatch get major updates. 0 Slated for August 13 Release. Refined gameplay and new content.
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